Absinthe-known by various names like The Green Fairy and The Cursed spirit has been enigmatic in the new world owing to its misjudged and mythical status of causing hallucinations.
The traditional green color, unmistakable flavor and the secret recipe make XentaAbsenta the only true descendent of the cursed spirit. Xenta is a world leader in absinthe and Number one brand in many European Nations. Its unmatched clarity and color, extraordinary taste,a sophisticated and elegant bottle with a design worthy of the bohemian atmosphere by which it was inspired make it a product of worldwide potential, throughout all range of ages and walks of life.
Classic Absinth obtained through steeping Artemisia absinthium leaves, more popularly known as Wormwood Absenta, in alcohol with star-anise and coriander leaves according to a secret formula. The product is carefully filtered to obtain Xenta’s characteristic green color and extraordinary clarity.
Xenta’s alcoholic strength, 70%, obtained using the best quality alcohol, permits the thujone (the active ingredient in absinth) to conserve all its characteristics whilst remaining within legal limits.